Categories: HVAC

Thermostat Gone Rogue? Here’s What to Do!

Having a thermostat go rogue can be frustrating and uncomfortable if you’ve just moved into a new home or are dealing with an aging air conditioner. A sudden rise in temperature when the unit is supposed to be cooling the room could mean that your HVAC system isn’t functioning correctly or that your thermostat has gone awry. This blog post discusses what to do if you have a rogue thermostat and how you can find reliable thermostat and AC repair services in El Paso, TX.

Symptoms of a Rogue Thermostat

Acting quickly to restore comfort and save energy is crucial when these two things happen. Why? Because these are signs that your thermostat may have gone rogue.

  • The HVAC system suddenly begins to cycle erratically.
  • Temperature does not change when you adjust the thermostat.

What to Do With a Rogue Thermostat?

When you notice that your thermostat is no longer working correctly, the first thing to do is to check for any possible malfunctions. Below are some tips on what you can do.

Check the Temperature Setting

If the temperature setting on your thermostat is too low or too high, this could cause problems with your thermostat. Make sure you check and adjust it to an appropriate level to work as expected. 

Clean or Replace Malfunctioning Components

Sometimes, the cause of a rogue thermostat can be due to malfunctioning components. If this is the case, you will need to clean or replace parts that may not function correctly. These can be done by calling for a professional air duct cleaning or tightening loose bolts yourself. Make sure that all connections are secure, and if necessary, have a professional inspect your system for further diagnosis. 

Check and Replace Batteries

If you have a thermostat that runs on batteries, it is vital to check and replace them if they are not functioning correctly. Batteries can lose their charge over time, so check the expiration date of your current ones and replace them as needed. 

Check for Improper Wiring Connections

Sometimes, improper wiring connections can cause a rogue thermostat. Ensure all wires are connected securely to ensure your HVAC system is functioning as expected. If you notice any issues with the wiring, then it is best to have a professional come in and inspect the system further. 

Hiring a Reliable Air Conditioner Service in El Paso, TX

To avoid having a rogue thermostat in the future, it is vital to hire a reliable thermostat and air conditioner service provider in El Paso, TX. These professionals can help you maintain and inspect your HVAC system so that it runs optimally and efficiently. They can also advise you on what steps to take if you have any recurring issues with your system or if components need replacing. By hiring an experienced professional for regular maintenance checks, you can avoid many common problems associated with rogue thermostats and ensure that your HVAC system runs as smoothly as possible.

Contact us at EP Mechanical Technologies in El Paso, TX, for a free estimate for repairing a rogue thermostat or any other HVAC-related issue. You can call our offices at (915) 544-1550 today!

Mr Zubiate

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